△ Paradiso Podcast ▽ Carmen Meera, Ph.D.

Eu, Barbara si Einstein

April 22, 2024 Carmen Meera △ Life Designer™
Eu, Barbara si Einstein
△ Paradiso Podcast ▽ Carmen Meera, Ph.D.
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△ Paradiso Podcast ▽ Carmen Meera, Ph.D.
Eu, Barbara si Einstein
Apr 22, 2024
Carmen Meera △ Life Designer™

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Have you ever pondered the intricate dance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies and how they shape our journey? Prepare to be captivated as we journey with our guest, Barbara, into the realm of spiritual balance and the art of infusing positivity into life's every aspect, including the very meals we savor. In a heartfelt exchange, we uncover the depth of Christian consciousness, embrace the angelic energy inherent in our love for crystals, and honor the profound channelings that bring Einstein's wisdom on interconnectedness into our present.

As we unravel the tapestry of the Divine Plan, we are invited to see the world through a lens of sacred acts, recognizing cooking as one such ritual and appreciating the unique flavors of Mediterranean cuisine. Barbara guides us through the mists of prophecy, examining how 'soul contracts' play out in our collective experiences, from heart-wrenching tragedies to awe-inspiring transformations. Together, we peer behind the veil of media's influence on society, dissecting the 'Mernic virus' of negative emotions and abuses, while fostering an awakening to a higher consciousness that could reshape our world.

Our discussion culminates in an exploration of maintaining a high vibrational state, acknowledging the infectious nature of our emotions, from the warmth of love to the spark of fury. Barbara's insights illuminate the path toward choosing love over fear and the cascade of compassion that follows, painting us all as everyday heroes on a mission of love. Join us for an episode that champions the courage to walk with faith, embracing open hearts and high vibrations, and inspires a pursuit of personal transformation draped in the transformative energy of love.

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Have you ever pondered the intricate dance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies and how they shape our journey? Prepare to be captivated as we journey with our guest, Barbara, into the realm of spiritual balance and the art of infusing positivity into life's every aspect, including the very meals we savor. In a heartfelt exchange, we uncover the depth of Christian consciousness, embrace the angelic energy inherent in our love for crystals, and honor the profound channelings that bring Einstein's wisdom on interconnectedness into our present.

As we unravel the tapestry of the Divine Plan, we are invited to see the world through a lens of sacred acts, recognizing cooking as one such ritual and appreciating the unique flavors of Mediterranean cuisine. Barbara guides us through the mists of prophecy, examining how 'soul contracts' play out in our collective experiences, from heart-wrenching tragedies to awe-inspiring transformations. Together, we peer behind the veil of media's influence on society, dissecting the 'Mernic virus' of negative emotions and abuses, while fostering an awakening to a higher consciousness that could reshape our world.

Our discussion culminates in an exploration of maintaining a high vibrational state, acknowledging the infectious nature of our emotions, from the warmth of love to the spark of fury. Barbara's insights illuminate the path toward choosing love over fear and the cascade of compassion that follows, painting us all as everyday heroes on a mission of love. Join us for an episode that champions the courage to walk with faith, embracing open hearts and high vibrations, and inspires a pursuit of personal transformation draped in the transformative energy of love.

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Good evening everybody. V-am promis un podcast astăzi și here I am. And here I am. Sunt aici să vă transmit câteva informații pentru a înțelege cât de prețioasă este viața, cât de frumoasă este.

Speaker 2:

Și cât de curajoasă suntem noi pentru că suntem acum aici and how brave we are because we are here now, because we are really brave. Yes, we came to this planet not knowing much about what's going on here. I only knew that it's a challenging planet, an extremely difficult terrain and extremely seductive, energetic, extremely dense. The word sloth, I think, would say it would define beautifully, and if I say that there are moving sand underneath, I think I would define it as perfect. But everything is fine. Everything is fine. All is well in the hall of creation Because everything has a meaning, absolutely everything has a meaning. All is well in the hall of creation Pentru că totul are un sens, absolut totul are un sens.

Speaker 2:

Și în momentul în care realizezi asta, e e așa, e într-un fel liniștitor Și într-un fel încurajator and in a way Encouraging, because we, those who do the work, and we encourage as much Christian consciousness as possible, what does Christ mean? It means Christ, christ, crystal. It means angelic energy. Why do you think we love crystals? We love them because they represent angelic energy. Omg, I'm so sorry. She represents angelic energy. I wanted to close this one. It seems like I can't. She gave up. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This with the sounds that the body makes at certain moments, you can't control it. This is, it's a man. It's how it is right, shall we move on. Let's how it is right, shall we move on.

Speaker 1:

Let's do it.

Speaker 2:

I've re-listened to the channeling Barbara did. What she brings to the world level, as I said, is unique. It's unique, it was told to me when I worked in a trilogy with two other business partners and they were given a lot of information which are next level. I mean, I recommended the book Imagining Einstein, written by Barbara, actually by Einstein through Barbara, actually by Barbara, with the help of Einstein. She has a special connection with him, right, it seems like? Well, she has a special relationship anyway, and I do the same, and I do the same. I love him for his genius, for his kindness, for his mastery, because he is another master and Barbara works not only with him. She has a party of twelve, but, I told you, in that party there is also Christ, and I was very impressed when I met Barbara in 2008,.

Speaker 2:

When she came to Romania, she was the guest of Crimson Circle, and Crimson Circle is my academy of soul and maybe they are the best on the planet. There are still tribes of light, but they are not tribes of light, but they are not so authentic. The 12 of them all play a role in the puzzle, but the rest are not so authentic, believe me, and I've been with them since 2000,. I mean, I've activated and initiated and supported. Well, when I met Barbara, it was like If you go to her webpage, there at the events page, she took an image from that event. I was in the first row. It took an image from that event. I was in the first row because I was involved in the became friends. She came and presented us the books she wrote. Her book has an award won and it was. It was like this. We recognized each other because I was part of that school of mysteries in the past. It seems yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You said it right. And it seems so because I often say the new Mystery School or the Modern Mystery School, this is just a Mystery School, the real Mystery School.

Speaker 2:

And it seems that our meeting then was not at all accidental. Barbara admired my fashion style very much. She asked me to recommend her to her. I did some shopping when she O. She said I have a kind of beauty and that I am so aristocratic and royal and that I look like something from JK Kennedy. And she called me JKO O from my family name.

Speaker 2:

And we organized for her after that a few events with success, and then life carried us on, each on our way, so to speak, but all the time Einstein transmitted us in this channeling that he did now with this solar eclipse. He said that we were always connected and helped each other and supported each other and we have key elements unique on the planet, he said. I would like to extract from, but I better say it in a few words, because there are very important information in that channeling, information that is super private and I can't publish it for all public. That's why there's privacy and sacredness, right, sacredness for these mystery schools, but what you need to hear, you will pandemic and everything that happened on a planetary level.

Speaker 2:

We've all been affected somehow and we've integrated a lot. A lot of things have happened for each of us. Many things have happened for each of us. And now, if I talk about this self-love and about Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, I do it from the perspective of what I learned in this journey towards me, because each of us in this life travels towards us. We travel towards no one else, and it's ideal to compare yourself with absolutely no one else, but only with yourself, the variant you were. That's why it's good to look at the photographs you know, to see how I was and how we are, how we evolve, how these things happen, and it's very nice when you notice that you're evolving beautifully and when you know that you've always been protected, helped, protected, helped, supported, and that you're on your way and that you're exactly where you need to be.

Speaker 2:

Einstein insisted very much on this divine timing. It's important to know and to find information that calms you down. That's why we are here. Visionaries in the world. Barbara is an excellent Oracle Lady and visionary, and when she accesses the information, that is, she enters the channel with it. You know deep inside in your inner circle what you have to solve or what you want to solve, and your personal Akasha is accessed in her own way. She accesses your personal Akasha in their unique way. Access your personal Akasha and point out the lives that are related to this incarnation and this incarnation and the lives that, for example, have very, very great importance for you and for your mission and for your partner.

Speaker 2:

For example, you mentioned three lives in which me and my son were together, and we were not together always as a man and a woman, as husband and wife, even though I had such lives, very happy and fulfilled and high spiritual lives, but I also had lives when I was a twin brother. Yes, men, I was a man, I was young, life in Scotland where I was a brother, a man, a fighter, fighting between clans, and it was amazing. I mean, it was amazing. All the years I've been on this twin journey, not knowing that I'm a twin woman, even though I received signs and dreams, I received two swans in a prophetic dream. I thought it was someone else, my partner. We believe it's. No, we believe what's in the moment, but we know what the truth is. And they showed me in a prophetic dream Before I moved to the Bușteni area because they took me to the Bucegi area in the mountains area. I'm also a keeper for the Bucegi and I lived there in a penthouse there they showed me encoded.

Speaker 2:

I receive the prophetic dreams but I decode them in time after what happens and I understand many things. They showed me there were two swans flying and two vultures and I came in to decode because it's important to study to see what it means. I've already told you go on the website of dreamsro or in English. I find more explanations that resonate better in English Meaning of Swan or Eagle, or, and they told me, you will have your partner, but it will not be like you imagine. You will not have a regular life of cooking.

Speaker 2:

I was shown a kitchen where I love to cook and I consider it the most sacred and noble gesture that a woman can give to the one she loves or to those she loves. Beyond the concept of the woman in the pot, the misogynistic society in Romania I say it assuming every attribute of what I say here, attribute from what I say here Banalize and consider that it is something super ordinary. But the energy of the woman is a sacred energy and the energy of the woman is connected to the creation and to create a dinner, a table, to cook something is an alchemical process. And then her good heart. That's what it says. And I recommend you to read the Esenian Bible for the Gospel Because there is the truth. They modified it very little. I mean that Sennian Gospel is nowhere to be found.

Speaker 2:

I have an example from it. You don't eat at all and the angry or upset woman avoids cooking because she's channeling those energies. And then when you cook you have to be happy, you have to do it with love and fill those pieces with love, that food. It's a sacred act. So, if you ask me, it's a sacred act. I love Mediterranean cuisine very much and I cook when I feel and have the energy to cook something exceptional and I do it. I do it very often, but I do it and I really have a very good energy for cooking. That's what I was told and I know that's how it is Okay, but where?

Speaker 2:

Why did I get here? Why did I wander and get to the woman's nobility? Why? Why, the question? Why is not good at all? The question, how is very good? Yes, I'll leave it like this and continue.

Speaker 2:

Next idea yes, we close the chapter. We were talking about Einstein and Barbara and about energy. And yes, after he told us that we are both super special and I thank him and he knows that I love him like another Master, he told me that in 1969, when he started working with Barbara and her other two partners, it was a trio representing the Holy Trinity. They then released a prophecy which they mentioned in our channel, and I was a little surprised, but you can imagine that things are already established. We, those who ensure these prophecies. You know well that I received prophetic dreams before the war in Russia began and I told you that will be fine and that we will be fine, and even Romania will be fine. There will be some tectonic and energetic arrangements somewhere in the middle of the country, but we will be fine. But we will be fine. And I would like you to know that in all these events that will happen.

Speaker 2:

All those who leave have signed a contract to leave. Right, I know we have to activate our compassion, but all those who left in the tsunami in 9-11, they signed a contract to leave. They signed a contract to leave Because at that moment they signed this contract to leave in this collective way To integrate a lot of karmic imbalance in other lives. You know, it's like you sign a contract and say, look, I'm going to go there, I'm going to live there until I'm 30 or 40 or 50. And until the day, I don't know when 9-11 happens. And I left with everyone around that time. I left with all of them. Some of them left and the moment they leave, something energetic changes All the planet. Events like this, I mean it makes everything freeze.

Speaker 2:

I remember I was in the corporate environment, even in my twin company, and I remember that we were all like that. We were all in a hurry. Everything stopped, all the activity. We were all shocked. We were shocked by the impact on us and I realized that this impact was also on us. And you realize that this impact was also on the level of humanity. When they left the group, they left and a big gap was created, a gap was made from the energy of the Earth and a lot of light entered all the time.

Speaker 2:

They are heroes. They are heroes, the human beings. Somehow. They meant to be heroes and their role is to activate the remaining ones and to help them. How, one by hand, transmitting this light that enters through this open channel when they all go away.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and it seems that it's this divine plan of God. It seems that on the part of the Pacific, but on the Pacific side, the configuration of the Pacific coast of America will change a bit. Everything will happen in a natural way, nothing counterfeit, it was simply said to me in a natural way, and Nobody knows when it will be, but it has already started, because something has started with tremors, some tsunamis which will and they were just smart, so to speak, and they changed not only America but the whole world. I mean that Hollywood. Do you know how many movies they made with these people. Yes, probably others have also accessed this information and this profession.

Speaker 2:

No, it doesn't come only through a person, and whenever I generate so many films with such impact and so many people, I mean I don't know, I didn all the compassion and all the, but you realize that all these films generate a certain level of aggressiveness in the air because we're all connected right, and then they created so many films with such a scenario and it comes like a sordid irony. I mean, yes, the famous California, it seems that, let's see, it won't be on the map and many, many things that happened in America. Yes, because it's no and I know that. No, but I mean it's not easy to just to think about it. But I think this is the only way, the only solution, only solution for humanity to wake up and to become I don't know better, to become better, to be more. You saw that I posted those articles about Liza's aggressiveness, of Liza and Rene, and the idea is that stress, aggressiveness and everything that is negative is very polluting.

Speaker 2:

Now that we've learned about this virus, the NEMERNIC, which they played on the planet, about why things happen, they have learned about this virus, the Mernic virus which they have been playing on the planet About why things happen and why they have to stop once and for all all the abuses on this planet. It seems that this planet was generated at the beginning and was a planet without free will. It was a planet where no anyone could come. And these forces came anti-Christ, so to speak, forces that were destructive. It's a bit hard, difficult to understand. The human mind can often understand. Quite difficult, at least if, if you have a higher level of consciousness and you get disturbed, and I don't know when you see a little girl who I don't know, stayed outside all night and the hot days came and now the cold came, and you see a little girl who just died, she froze right, and then he gets tight and says oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh. I was so moved by the song.

Speaker 2:

We are moving you All the sufferings that have been on this Earth In any way, and something has to change from the root, because, because it's time, and if, with the good things, it didn't happen, I mean people Excuse me, people Excuse me. People have woken up. Yes, they have woken up and they are waking up, but they are waking up at a very, very slowly. They wake up like this and and the strongest thing that wakes people up, and us too we were all awakened in this way. We were awakened by shocks of all kinds. The idea is that it can be solved in another way.

Speaker 2:

But look around you, look around the world, just look at it, just take a look. Sometimes I open the TV to see the pulse of the world. So you, you look at yourself and you see and you wonder how manipulated people are, how, how, how crazy they are, how stupid they are, how easily they get left behind. I even listened to an interview with Andrew Tate and not much. And the guy who asked him asked him a question. It seems like I speculated on it. He had many businesses where he made these mini-money and it seems like one of them saw him with a video chat or something like that, and he asked him how he allowed her to do that. I can't remember how she asked him he was with these powerful men and he said before you could be possessed by these guys in the video chat.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, and he said that these guys I have no idea how they are there, I can only imagine they said they would show me parts of their bodies and then they would speculate about them. They would tell them stories. They were fooling them with all sorts of life situations invented hard, that they need, that they go through I don't know surgical interventions. And he said oh, the question was something like this what do you think which are easier to fool, men or women? And the guy answered so it's smart. He answered that this is an industry, that he was accused of traffic damage. It's an industry. Look at Bucharest, in the Uniris market, there are ads everywhere. It's an industry, simply, and they accepted to come and that's it. Anyway, he told me that it's a game in which men usually enter and they like this game. They say that women cheat by Women cheat by makeup and men cheat by lies. And yes, men are much easier to cheat, because if a woman wants to cheat and make him poop, she can. I mean, he's a fine connoisseur of human psychology. Yes, and look, it seems like this will be a podcast with little historical stories, apparently without any connection between them, but they are all very connected. The main idea I would like you to remember is they play a lot and apply a lot of masks, but all of them, absolutely all of them, both them and them, are set up for kindness, for goodness, for love and for safety, for that emotional safety, and they don't have it. They don't have it because in this world of pretension, which is actually a world of pretension, it's quite difficult to discern and to realize about true authenticity, because it's difficult to see it, it's hard to notice it when you're so caught up in this mud, in this energetic dirt. And I say it with great compassion, but I was watching TVR, so I make some shows dear to them. There was one with Drag de România mea and with Fuego, with some costumes from these and songs from these. I have nothing with Moldovans, but I like an authentic Moldovan to hear him interpret something like that, but to copy those Moldovan words, anyway, anyway, anyway, I think, and it's an episode that's totally, totally, totallych, if you ask me. And we have so many very talented and very inspired people and with very good taste, but they are promoted. Very good taste, but they're promoted. Yeah, yeah, they're promoted. I don't know. Yeah, I think it's a matter of taste. All the time I'm going into a mess. The generation of over 80, 70, 80 years old, I mean, I don't know. And this mass media, I think you've noticed that it's super fake and super manipulative and with these styles that that they all promote in such a false way, and not only at the mass media and the art of their shows, from Romania, I mean, but also at these through America, and so there's a lot of useless noise and and and A lot of information that that is a burden. That's how it is.

Speaker 2:

I remember that on this show I watched myself for about two minutes, three. I watched myself to see how much, how much it would transmit, and there was Mirabella. Daur was there and I asked her what TVR meant to her and she answered TVR is Mirabella. And all the ladies in the back were like ladies and gentlemen. The audience started clapping and Fuego, who was presenting the show, was shocked. I didn't know what to say. And then Mirabella Daur said I think that's how she called her Mirabella, right, I mean Mirabella, sure, but Daur, I'm not sure. And then she said something that made him mad. He was laughing, but he was still a young man, and he looked at her and said you weren't even in the register, I mean, I mean I mean yes.

Speaker 2:

Very interesting. Yes, very interesting, very interesting and very educational. What can I say? It's funny sometimes. It's very funny To see what happens in the world. Okay, I told you enough about it's very funny to see what's happening around the world. Okay, I think I've told you enough about the news from the present and the future. The idea is that the world is changing. The idea is that, as I said last year, from March, the waves rise from the images of people and from the face of humanity and from the planet, and we all turn towards the light, towards the Christian consciousness, to the truth, to the authenticity, to all that we are, and we need to be compassionate, understanding, to have love, to manifest the golden rule, and this golden rule you know what I mean treats others the way you want them to treat you.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I said this and I said that, but I said this and I said that, but and to be very aware and aware that when we generate stress, conflict, the energy of the fight is very seductive and it is contaminating, like this virus that we all went through to finish the idea that we started. It is contaminating the stress and it is a virus and the curse and the conflict. They are very contaminating, energetic and you will ask me what is energy? Energy is everywhere. Everything is energy. It is condensed energy so that we can have tables and chairs. Energy that vibrates at a certain frequency and, depending on the frequency at which it vibrates, it defines things around it. And the energy of conflict, both inside and outside, is a toxic and very dangerous energy. To transmute it, to alchemize it and to keep this toxic energy in us.

Speaker 2:

I posted this on Facebook. I post it on Lazarev, because I like it very much how they explain it to me. We are in the Easter post, it was Christmas and during this time, the lightning was super-accelerating, and this is where a lot of pressure is generated, because time flies and it's exhausting in every sense. If it passes quickly, it impacts you financially and in every way. Right, the idea is that we should ask ourselves to adapt, to become better, us with us, not only sinners to be willing to make changes, willingly To make things easier for us. And you know how it is man to man, being to being. I am good, you are good, I am conscious, you are aware I generate peace. You generate peace, no matter if we go through them, no matter if we had a warlike nature, no matter if we had a whatever nature. At any moment and any day we have the chance to take it from the head and change something. And every day we have a chance to take it from the head and change something. One day it didn't work out, the next day it could come out, but the important thing is to do something. The important thing is to change something. The important thing is to become better, because Christ brought us this message of love, of love and this message of goodness and kindness.

Speaker 2:

But not even how to be bad, to manipulate narcissists or narcissists, but good with healthy boundaries, with healthy assertiveness, with articulating personal truth when it is asked yes, and with self-love. And self-love always starts with opening the space of the heart, with healing the space of the heart. The first step in healing the space of the heart is to open it to you, to open your heart and, yes, it seems scary like that. And after you've opened your heart, you can't imagine that there is crystal water, emerald water. It's a water with a mole and you have to have patience and love yourself so much and heal all the traumas that are there and to free those who have strived you in this life, because if you have strived in this life, it is clear that you have striven them in another life. And then there is a balance in everything and as long as you accept you have seen what Lazarev said if you accept what happens to you negatively, karma will balance you. Karma immediately balance you, it will balance you right away. Humility, as he says. If you accept humility I mean if you accept that If you go to his page.

Speaker 2:

He even told a story. I don't know if I posted it today, but the first or second post from him on the page was about a lady who told the story of everything that happened, including a car accident. He said that while he was flying through the air, he was talking to God and he said God, I'm okay with something, I accept what's happening, and at that moment his destiny changed. There are a lot of things about our attitude, our inner emotions about a certain situation, many things about our attitude, our inner emotions in front of a certain situation. It depends on our future, it depends on our present, it depends on our energy. And without energy, believe me, on this day, there is no life. Without energy, there is no life. And people have no energy because they have lost their relationship with God. And they have lost their relationship with God because they think that if they have a superficial relationship with God and they go to church and leave 10 lei in the box or a bag of money about 3 million euros, that's it. St Peter opens the gates of heaven and they have a place secured in heaven.

Speaker 2:

Error, error, error. What ensures you the way to heaven? Heaven is vibrational, it's here, it's everywhere, even in afterlife. Heaven is vibrational. It's nothing right, something else. And then you access this heaven only when you give your heart love, without anger, without resentment, without resentment, without forgiveness. Because those in the first place become your own self-destruction programs. Right, any form of aggressiveness and unintegrated and super simple, by the help of super simple technicians, turn into self-destruction programs, and that's why people get sick and that's why there are so many terminal affections in the world, because people don't work emotionally with them and they don't work emotionally with them and they don't believe in these energetic works. They stay, they internalize them, they rummage them inside and develop psychoses, and they don't go to a psychologist or to a coach coach or an energetic doctor like me, because I have the impression that I have nothing For us.

Speaker 2:

For Romanians, it's that thing, that we do everything. It's okay to be an installer and a stomatologist. If a Romanian could be a stomatologist, I think he would be a stomatologist. He's a psychologist, he's all that, right. I mean, stay like that, it's necessary, right? There are some who invest 100.000 euros in a car and they tremble when they hear that they should pay about 2.000 euros or 3.000 euros to heal their soul and their emotions and their traumas and all that determines them to focus on external values houses, real estate, cars Because from a trauma you have all these attachments to external things and you see, this is the pulse of the world.

Speaker 2:

It's a lost world, it's a world without God, and that's why we need to turn to a world towards God, to a beautiful world, to a world in which we can access as many values as possible. Our part is Christ, our part is Higher Self. Our part is High Reconciliation to a world where we can access as many values as possible of the soul. Our part is Christ, our part is Higher Self, our part is high consciousness, and we know who we are and we start to do good for ourselves. We choose for ourselves, without being overwhelmed by what others around others think about us. Absolutely not. It's our life, it's our domain, it's our legacy and we make it as we choose. And we have the right to choose every time and every time and every time. And I'll tell you again, it's perfectly okay to have one wife, two wives, three wives, one husband, two husbands, three husbands. Yes, because it's okay. Yes, so, my dear, if you're not valued there, my dear, if you're not valued, step out. Life is simple. People complicate it Very much, yes, and some prefer to die than to change. It's their choice. It's their choice Because too much sadness affects your lungs and you enter a terminal affection and in a few months you stop here, you go into afterlife, yes, and what did you do?

Speaker 2:

You didn't do anything. I mean you go to afterlife, right, and what did you do? You didn't do anything. I mean, you did come. I don't know if you'll ever come to this planet to become a planet of light, but you went to other parts to learn lessons about the soul.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so that's what I had to convey, and the message is the following the next and the message is the following, the following the message is the following the higher our frequency is, the more we are anchored in the Christian light and we have a high frequency, but not from the mouth. I'm a maestro, a maestro, and I have a high frequency, but not from the mouth. I'm a master and I have a frequency. Look what frequency I have.

Speaker 2:

No, this is felt. It emanates. Personal frequency emanates, and it's magnetic, sexual magnetism, not that one I'm referring to. It's overwhelming and you feel good and you don't have any sadness and all kinds of anxiety and phobias and fears. So, as you integrate all these things and you are in joy, in a good mood, without a reason, this means to have another frequency. Fulfill it with yourself, accept your destiny when you are and, if something suits you, change your destiny, because you have the strength to change it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, search, do. There are so many authentic experts in this world who can help. Information represents light. Apply it. Look for your authentic healers and work with them to heal you, because alone it's very hard to get out of there. It's very hard to get out of there alone and that's what the opposite forces are based on On the domination of leadership. To heal, to prioritize healing. Prioritizing healing means love for oneself. And now, emotional, mental, ancestral, transgenerational and morphogenetic healing are vital. They are vital. They are not a morphogenetic are vital. They are vital. They are not a luxury, they are vital and I congratulate you and those who chose to do this work, to be right to you, to raise this level of consciousness, because this way you and your loved ones will be safe.

Speaker 2:

Who have high vibrations Right, when one of the family radiate light and has high vibrations, it helps with this light, with this light with all those around. That's how it works, right? Everything that is good and bright and high vibration is contaminant. Maybe that's not the right word, but reciprocally it's valid. I gave you an example with fury, which is contaminated, and love is contaminated. It's important on what polarisation we focus, because in this world there are only nuances of love and fear, and ideally it's to focus on love and to know that what is given is to be and to know that what is given will be and in those moments, to go in compassion and love towards the heroes of humanity and to manifest love for us, because we are heroes of humanity, heroes who choose to stay here in life and to make our mission day by day, step by step, as we all succeed. I wish you well and thank you for coming here. We are moving forward with God, of course, with God, of course.

Speaker 2:

And I hug you With love. I give you smiles and we'll hear each other soon.

Divine Feminine and Masculine Channeling
The Divine Plan and Awakening Humanity
Navigating Through a Changing World
Embracing Love and High Vibrations